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As solid as a rock

As solid as a rock

Geologist Sudipta Sengupta coaxes the secrets of the Earth by talking to rocks and tapping their memories.
The geometry of Gulliver

The geometry of Gulliver

... and the maths of Moby-Dick. A joyous journey to a land at the intersection of literature and mathematics.
The push and pull of life

The push and pull of life

A rollicking account of the manifestations of force in our daily lives, which helps us understand how the physical world works.
Strength in numbers

Strength in numbers

Paulos links politics, puzzles and probability — and lies, logic and religion — to tell us how we may become better citizens by acting on the connections.
Building blocks out of nothing

Building blocks out of nothing

Manil Suri wants to strip readers of the almost natural wariness, bordering on fear, of numbers.
Maths musings in COVID times

Maths musings in COVID times

The pandemic provided DILIP D'SOUZA a platform for a personal rediscovery of the magic and mystique of epidemiological models.
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