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The ancient stories that amber fossils reveal

The ancient stories that amber fossils reveal

Ambers from Gujarat reveal ancient secrets of the Earth.
Clearing the air

Clearing the air

A trimetallic nanocatalyst promises to effectively convert CO2 into carbon monoxide — at top speed!
Tyres get a green signal

Tyres get a green signal

Rubber scientists and the tyre industry are reinventing the wheel.
Harry Potter and the metamaterials

Harry Potter and the metamaterials

Metamaterials are paving the way for groundbreaking advancements, including with modern-day 'invisibility cloaks'.
Chipping away at dark energy

Chipping away at dark energy

New datasets to be revealed in the coming years may challenge the accepted notions of dark energy.
Promising therapies for Alzheimer's

Promising therapies for Alzheimer's

Scientists are looking at novel ways to stop the progression of Alzheimer's.
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