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Big Data

A higher orbit of connectivity

A higher orbit of connectivity

Tech advances, falling satellite-launch costs, and the demand for internet connectivity in remote regions are driving a satellite internet revolution.
Cities' growth pains

Cities' growth pains

Rapid urbanisation poses challenges for the future, but it also provides opportunities and fosters innovation.
Why nanotechnology is BIG

Why nanotechnology is BIG

Nanotechnology's wide-ranging applications across industries make it a key driver of innovation and economic growth.
The nutrition paradox

The nutrition paradox

Malnutrition is, of course, acute in low-income countries. But even in affluent countries, dietary choices impact health.
Plugged into the future of brain-computer interface

Plugged into the future of brain-computer interface

Investments in brain-computer interface are driving new technologies.
A not-so-smooth ride for driverless cars

A not-so-smooth ride for driverless cars

Self-driving cars are revving their engines, but safety concerns linger.
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