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A bridge too far out

A bridge too far out

Sikkim's bamboo and cane footbridges, engineered with indigenous ingenuity, are a sturdy alternative to carbon-heavy structures.
A higher orbit of connectivity

A higher orbit of connectivity

Tech advances, falling satellite-launch costs, and the demand for internet connectivity in remote regions are driving a satellite internet revolution.
The future of growth

The future of growth

It's not natural laws, but man-made institutional constraints, that will likely impose limits to growth.
Plugged into the future of brain-computer interface

Plugged into the future of brain-computer interface

Investments in brain-computer interface are driving new technologies.
Scientist and sorcerer

Scientist and sorcerer

Cornelis Drebbel's inventions were mired in mystery.
Innovation is the key

Innovation is the key

India's medical devices industry is navigating the path to self-reliance.
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