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A game-changing pharma innovation

A game-changing pharma innovation

An advanced manufacturing technology promises a safer, faster and cheaper production of medicines. What does it entail?
On the road to e-mobility

On the road to e-mobility

Several catalytic factors – from a government nudge to advances in technology to a widening market – are driving a greater embrace of e-vehicles in India.
The chips are still down

The chips are still down

India wants to be a manufacturing presence in the semiconductor industry, but the path to breaking in will be arduous.
The E.V. revolution is revving up

The E.V. revolution is revving up

There's a boom in production and sales of electric vehicles, but batteries hold the key to future growth.
A fab roadmap for India

A fab roadmap for India

The global chip shortage provides India an opportunity to fill the vacuum in semiconductor manufacturing.
Time to chip in

Time to chip in

After decades of delays, the reality of the marketplace is likely shaping India's effort to establish a semiconductor manufacturing base.
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