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AI for a reason

AI for a reason

For now, AI lacks the ability to solve problems through reason. However, a paradigm shift on that front seems imminent.
The brain project

The brain project

The brain research project we report on hopes to contribute to the global effort to understand the human brain.
Cities of the future

Cities of the future

How they are reinventing themselves to fight climate change – and creating models for others to follow.
A change of clothes

A change of clothes

The textile industry is one of the world’s biggest polluters. But it is innovating its way to a more sustainable future.
Health on your plate

Health on your plate

Science is trying to figure out the individual variations in how people respond to specific categories of food.
Cancer in our sights

Cancer in our sights

A variety of new tools is needed to get to the root of cancer. Indian firms have a chance to contribute to cancer care.
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