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Neural Networks

The brain project

The brain project

The brain research project we report on hopes to contribute to the global effort to understand the human brain.
Getting to know the brain

Getting to know the brain

Researchers around the world are collaborating in an effort to understand the human brain in unprecedented detail.
Wiring the fly

Wiring the fly

A maggot's brain provides the tools to understand ours.
The learning curve

The learning curve

The ability to learn and their utility as tools for thinking give neural networks and Artificial Intelligence their unique place in human history.
Augmented Intelligence: AI in the service of science

Augmented Intelligence: AI in the service of science

Intuition guides human beings towards discovery and innovation. And AI is lending a helping hand.
It's a no-brainer

It's a no-brainer

An 'artificial brain' can never match the real thing for complexity and intelligent processing of stimuli. Nor should we want it to.
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