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The eye is a window to the body

The eye is a window to the body

Researchers have long seen the eye, with its trove of health data, as a window to the body.
High Notes

High Notes

How technology has enriched music — for both the creator and the connoisseur.
The new sound of music

The new sound of music

Craftspeople and engineers are co-creating new avenues and materials for sound production. It’s music to our ears.
How photonics is changing the world

How photonics is changing the world

Photonics impacts every aspect of people’s lives. It will drive major applications in the 21st century.
The transformative power of AI

The transformative power of AI

Artificial intelligence systems are transforming industrial and sectoral landscapes. How soon before they outperform humans?
Materials science: harnessing the power of the ultra-small

Materials science: harnessing the power of the ultra-small

Richard Feynman peered into the future of materials science. That future is now playing itself out.
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